This Is My Canada / Mon cher Canada

National Song – Chanson nationale

Canada’s national song “This Is My Canada  / Mon cher Canada,” is embraced and supported by hundreds of patriotic Canadians from coast to coast, collectively known as “Dream Team Canada.” Now over 500,000 views!

A compelling audio and video presentation created by an All-Canadian team that includes the “Dream Team Canada Singers,” who are winners of 6 Grammy and 13 Juno awards.

La chanson nationale du Canada intitulée, <<This Is My Canada / Mon cher Canada >> a été adoptée et est soutenue par des centaines de Canadiens patriotiques d’un bout à l’autre du pays, ensemble qui se nomment <L’Équipe de rêves Canada>. Plus de 500 000 vues!

Une chanson inspirante et une vidéo captivante ont été créés par une équipe canadienne, incluant les <<Artistes de l’Équipe de rêves Canada>> qui sont lauréats de 6 prix Grammy & 13 prix Juno.

What people are saying/Vos commentaires

“Magnificent!”Stephen Stohn (Award-Winning Songwriter / Entertainment Lawyer / Producer of Degrassi)

“A Spectacular Gift To Our Country!”Greg Turner (Moncton City Councillor)

“SUPERBE! J’avais les larmes aux yeux! La fierté des artistes qui ont si bien interprétés ce chant de patriotisme est très touchant! Félicitations!!”Marcella Perry (Tignish, PEI)

“Wow!  Nous sommes très émus par ce beau cadeau que tu nous as donné pour célébrer le 150e anniversaire du Canada. Vous avez orchestré un vrai trésor national avec ta chanson”Donald et Denise Arsenault (Charlottetown, PEI)

“Wow! You made me cry from happiness  for my adopted country. I love it. Thank you.” – Mieke T

“Rosemary and I both are both so moved by the music, the visuals, and how you have embodied the spirit of what it is to be Canadian.” – Judy & Rosemarie K

“WOW!!! The VIDEO!!! It’s wonderful. Really. I LOVE IT. Congratulations!!!” – Sarah K

“Chills up and down my spine! An awesome job!!!!!” – Brian F C

“Beautiful! brought tears to my eyes!” – Sue C

“I am in tears. This is Sooo wonderful.  What you have created is moving, patriotic, and so heartwarming.” – Margaret T

“Omg that was soooo beautiful.  Thank you so much for letting me be even the tiniest bit involved with this venture. The tears are streaming down my face as I listen to it.” – Trish M

“This is brilliant, amazing made me so proud to be Canadian – tears of joy! You’ve done it so beautifully. Wow!!” – Evva M-H

“It is ‘world class’! Classy! Gives me goose bumps–Canada Goose bumps!” – Lenore D

“Sa fait passer des frissons. Chills…” – Yvonne G

“Oh My!! I have goose bumps! That is freak’n amazing!” – Linda M

“Wow, it gave me goosebumps! The video is absolutely wonderful. Thank you! Merci!! Big congratulatory hugs. ” – Lynne B

“Just watched the video on U tube absolutely amazing job, a video for all Canadians. Cheers” – Bob R

“Wow! Love the video! It makes me feel so proud – mostly of you, the other artists and especially of Canada. Thank you so much for this incredible song. Can’t wait for the country to adopt it. :)” – Janet H

“Wow! Nous sommes très émus par ce beau cadeau que tu nous as donné pour célébrer le 150e anniversaire du Canada.  Vous avez orchestré un vrai trésor national avec ta chanson. PS avec les images de la nature que vous présentez, j’ai l’impression que ceci pourrait faire valoir notre engagement collectif au plan de la protection de l’environment” – Donald & Denise A

“Good morning – What a video.  Now that I have finished wiping away the tears and the shivers that went through me while I was listening to and watching it I will sit and absorb it.  It is just beautiful and I can’t think of words to describe it all. I have always loved this song.  It is so powerful and has always given me goose bumps when I would hear it.  I am so proud to be a Canadian. Love to all who has had anything to do with the song. A job well done.” – Carolyn G

“Wow!  This is beautiful and inspiring. Tears in my eyes….  Can’t wait to share it.” – Judith Z

“You have truly outdone yourself this time.  This is incredible.  I cried when I first watched it.  I LOVE IT!  WOW!  I can’t wait to hear where you’ll be on Canada Day to perform this wonderful new Canadian Anthem.  Congratulations for all you’ve accomplished.  Well done!!” – Debbie S

“Wow! Wow! Wow! Eunice and I just looked at your video. We both rate it WOW! Beautiful! Well done!” – Sr Marie & Eunice A

“The song and video are FABULOUS !!!!!!!!!! I had goose bumps all over and cried with Pride of my country—-YOU and your TEAM did a marvelous job putting the whole thing together and manifested your love of country in song and spectacular views! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.” – Carney M

“Most outstanding rendition of a most heart wrenching song….it brought me to tears… are a genius to have put this together Jeanette……..lots of luck and lots of love from your matante in PEI.” – Marie-Anne A

“TIMC leaves me breathless. Congratulations. I have it on my daily follow ups to listen each day for inspiration.” – Roli T

“Hey! So I opened Facebook  this morning to see a mutual friend shared the video so I messaged the person to thank them for sharing it and I quote ‘Well done!!  What a great tribute!!!!’ ‘That’s awesome!!  Way to go!!!  It turned out really well!!'” – Julie S

“Goosebumps. Yes, I get goosebumps when I hear This Is My Canada/Mon Cher Canada.  With its moving chorus and quick-paced verses, this song somehow makes me an even prouder Canadian than I already am.  The best of Canada, including our natural wonders, diverse cultures, entrepreneurial strengths and compassionate social programs, all blend together when I listen to this musical masterpiece.  As for the video, the visuals and the musicians are truly amazing. You couldn’t have done this any better, maybe different, but not better.  Well done.” – Jan T

“Bravo Wow, c’est de toute Beauté!!!” – Lisa B

“Wow, what a great looking production! Lots of work went into it you can tell. I wish you all the success you deserve with this.” – Richard Evans (piano & keyboard)

“Thanks for giving me a sneak peek at the video. It is superb! Beautifully edited and mixed. I’m so proud to be a part of this wonderful birthday present to Canada.  I’m sure it will be a huge success for you and all involved in its creation. Thanks for including me.” – David Clayton-Thomas (lead vocalist)


“Wow!!!  Totally right on. Love it. Thanks for the big smile from way down deep.” – Al Cross (drummer)

“Wow!  Beautifully shot video and the song song sounds fantastic. It’s a great piece of work! I’m proud to have been part of it.” – Russ Boswell (bass)

“This is absolutely amazing!  The Young Singers along with their family and friends are thrilled, and so proud to be part of this.  I have received incredible feedback from so many people who have seen it!   I also know that  it has been passed on to Canadians in the USA as well as China, Thailand and Australia.  It is receiving global accolades!

Congratulations to both of you!  Your heart and soul and your Canadian pride is captured so vividly amidst the wonderful music and stunning video.  These young people  have grasped the essence of This is My Canada, and it will always hold a special place in their hearts. “ – Anna Lynn Murphy, Music Director, The Young Singers

“Where can I get this spine tingling song?” – Betty B

“That is a beautiful song.  I’ve heard a few song tributes to our 150th bday but this is by far the best.  We are so blessed to live here.” – Kerry C

“Remember, after Canada Day, the relevance of your song is for time eternal in the resonance of the universe. We are behind you 100% and care deeply for your creative energies and community spirit through and through!

You deserve an official recognition by the Government of Canada for your contributions to our society in making us stronger and wiser through your amazing talent and love of everyone and everything in Canada and around the world.

You are a shining example of what we can be when we realize that the strength from within is our driving force. No one can do it for us.” – Paul R

“One of the things that has made this Country great is the tenacity of its people, whether they be immigrants coming to build a new life, the challenged striving to be great, the first nations fighting for recognition, the farmers making this land productive or the artists bringing beauty in all its forms.  Thank you for being a true Canadian.” – Gillian C

“Heard lots of Canada songs today. Yours is THE BEST!!!! The plan was to show it right after the service before people leave. But Rev Ed had an excellent Canada Day message and we ended up spontaneously showing it at the conclusion of the sermon. It fit in perfectly! Everyone loved it!  A big round of applause afterwards.” – Dianne G

Thank you to our supporters & contributors/Merci à tous nos donateurs & partisans

Supporters/Contributors – Donateurs/Partisans
Lyle & Sharon Vanclief, Norma & Ray Langrish, Sharon & Dave Crowe, Frank McGuire, Janice Tripp & Art Goldsmith, Frank McGuire, Alex Kowalenko, Lyne Depatie, Karen Davis, Allen & Carolyn Emond, Brian Forbes Colgate, George & Judith Zelmanovitz, Christine Hillas, David & Joan Gilbert, Gerald & Rosalie Arsenault, Annette Cepon, Stormy’s Automotive Group, Tom Leighton & Sandra Lean, Lois Otto, Tony Vani, Reeva Hammett, Bob Orchard, Theresa Taylor, Russ & Val Carey, Michelle Stasiuk, JP MacDonald, Nathaniel Cheok, Marie-Lynn Hammond, Pierre-André Tremblay, Greg Geeves, Marvyn Morrison, Maria Hogan, Margaret Colvin, Myrna Mather, Rosemary Kent, Graham & Gillian Chapman of The Print Practice,Young Singers, Kathryn Reid, Dominic D’Arcy, Richard Haeberlin & Elaine Small, Lyn Kinnaird, Pauline Winkle, Catherine & Mike Hall, Le Keough, Mike Conner, Sean Reavis, Lise Bertrand, Joe Callahan, Blessed Trinity Catholic School, Canadian Pot Luck, Normand & Darlene Arsenault, Shirley & Joe Skratt, Carolyn Grondin, Sarah Kirby (Imagine Photography Belleville, A Cappella Quinte Barbershop Chorus, Louise Todd, Betty & Ed Bentley, Alma Bennett, Lisa Breau, Monte Boultbee,Young Imaginations, Pierrette Arsenault, Linda & Roli Tipper, Bob Reynolds, Katherine Shortall, Sharon Fraser, Karen Burns, Carol & Richard Lefler, Judy McKnight, Sonya Koch, Norma Leet, Gabrielle & Borys Holowacz,Wanda Gyde, Liz Meraw, Maide Yazar, Janet Scott, Nancy DesRoches, Nancy Lockyer, Dan Holbrook, Elizabeth Keurvorst, Brian & Janis Traquair, Debbie Saulnier, Glenn & Kim Lidstone, Ernie & Linda Parsons, Duncan Armstrong, Jan Swenson, Dan Mayo, Georges Arsenault, Blumen Bistro, Birgit Langwisch & Gerry Bradley, Richard & Marion Casson, Aiden Fisher, Elaine Obie, Wendy Nelsons, Darryl DesRoches, Kathleen O’Driscoll & Steve Ward, Lenore Dixon, Mary O’Beirne, Wayne McNulty, Dan & Kathy Hays, Ian Sutherland, Katrina Creasy, Bev Campbell, Lori Farrington, Val Darling, Lynne Brearley & Michael Maloney, Kris McDonald, John Pineau, Bev Byrne, Deb Crispin, Jim Freeland, Jon & Barb Wilkins, Carney Maroney, Anne Feeney, Bonnie Saveall, Ian Acton, Andy & Sue Van Bodegom, Mary Sinclair, Nancy Woods, Janet Heaven, Bob & Mary Kay Morris, Steve & Virginia Cummings, Melody Paradis, Linda Middleton, Marilyn Holland, Susan & Brian Kay, Nicola Toomath, Walter & Irene McGee, Wendy MacPherson, Beth Weatherbee, Night Kitchen Donor, Beth & Les Brown, Mark & Isabelle Godsy, Lois Siegel, Nina Menezes, Drew Williams, Anne Ryan, Béatrice Caillié, Mike & Shirley Maroney, Bob Blanchard & Rick Hammond, Zest Radio, COSSA, Jackie Farquhar, Jim & Dayna Law, Joanne Phillips, Anneke Blackwell, Dewar McCutcheon, Trenton United Church, Dan Dearborn, Leo & Micheline Lortie, Brian & Aline Spivak, Susan Tebbutt, Wendell Archibald, Greg & Oonaugh Wood

Plus Anonymous Contributors
Plusieurs dons anonymes

Lucille Lambert & Hilaire Lemoine, Sue Calhoun, Barb Neri, Béatrice Caillié, Françoise Tounissoux, Donald J. Arsenault, Eastminster United Church (Belleville), The Waring House Restaurant, Conference Centre & Cooking School, Pinnacle Music, Ideal Bike, Roluf’s Travel, Quinte Arts Council, InQuinte, countylive,Toro Sushi Restaurant, Boretski Gallery, Michel Chartrand (Gowling Henderson, Ottawa), Matt Richardson, Joël Diamond (Ici Radio-Canada Halifax)

Dream Team Canada Artists/ Artistes de l’Équipe de rêves Canada
Mocci Liberty Silver, David Clayton Thomas, Wilfred LeBouthillier, The Good Brothers, Don Coleman, Jeanette Arsenault, Al Cross, Russ Boswell, Richard Evans, Young Singers of Canada, Anna Lynn Murphy (Choir Director), Malakai Daybutch

Production Team/ Équipe de production
Randall Dark, Director of Recording Studio Videography in partnership with/Directeur de vidéographie en studio avec T.O. Film Productions; James Fisher, Production Assistant/Adjoint de production,
Rocklyn Warren, Video Editor (Nova Media); Jim Zolis, Engineer & Mixing (The Rose Room); João Carvalho, Mastering; Dan Huziak, Photos;
David LeBlanc, Charts/Partitions; Eric Alper, Publicity/Publicité; Yvonne Valnea, Last Tango Productions, Radio Promotion/Promotion à la radio

Executive Team/Équipe executive
Don Coleman, Project Manager, Producer/Gérant de production/Réalisateur
Jeanette Arsenault, Songwriter, Executive Producer/Compositeur/ Réalisatrice executive (with Dream Team Canada/avec l’Équipe de rêves Canada)

Proud Supporter

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General Information / Performances / Events
Jeanette Arsenault :

Charitable Initiatives / Corporate Partnership / Licensing
Don Coleman 506-734-3004


Jeanette Arsenault :

Initiatives de bienfaisance/Parrainage de société/Licences
Don Coleman 506-734-3004